Thursday, January 13, 2011

oh Travis my love.....

From the moment I saw him across the floor I was smitten.  He was the only other adult over the age of 40 at the Jonas Brothers concert that wasn't drooling at the stage.  I watched mesmerized as he swayed when they swayed, dipped when they dipped.  He knew every move.  Mouthing the words to every song with his perfect mouth and distinguished mustache that rivaled my own.  All 250 pounds of me was a quiver.  Thank the lord in heaven that I am only 5 feet tall and blended in with the sea of teens for I was not ready to reveal myself to my love just yet.

I followed him home and googled his address on my phone in front of his house.  He was magnificent and clearly meant for me.  I could barely contain myself as I drove home sifting through the many pictures I had taken of him throughout the night.

I ran in the front door knocking 3 cats out of the way in my haste as I headed for the laundry room and peeled off my size 28 jeans and soaked them in the washer because wet jeans make for a particularly violent dryer cycle.  After spending a good hour on top of the dryer thumbing through the pictures I was exhausted.

It was was true love.


  1. I know, Tillie. Everyone is jealous of me. I'M jealous of me. You can relate, can't you? JoBros 4-Ever!!!

  2. Oh Trav! I can barely see the keyboard through the veil of tears. The very thought of your flawless skin makes me weep. I worship the ground you walk on.
    I'm off to the store to buy new night vision goggles as my binoculars are sadly out of date. It's a good thing papa left me that trust fund so mummy's family couldn't touch it. They so wanted his money to buy a new cow.
    I love you darling and on a side note, someone needs to dust on top of the fridge....see you soon!
